A Real Toolbox for Going Virtually Anywhere

A creative space to share tool for teaching in an online environment- Learnscope 2006 NEI TAFE- Going Virtual

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Blogging blunders

Phew.... I really need the help of you IT folk ... how do we ensure the previous posts are visible in this blog?
I thought about copying and pasting the html into the template- for linking posts (as suggested in the Blogger help stuff), but wasn't sure if this was the right thing to do. Needless to say I took the "woos" route, and didn't!


A Real Toolbox for Going Virtually Anywhere: Blogging for beginners

A Real Toolbox for Going Virtually Anywhere: Blogging for beginners

Monday, August 07, 2006

Blogging for beginners

"Hey, loved those cows in your latest blog"

A weblog, which is usually shortened to blog, is a type of website where entries are made (such as in a journal or diary), displayed in a reverse chronological order.
Blogs often provide commentary or news on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or local news; some function as more personal online diaries.
A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. Most blogs are primarily textual although many focus on photograph (photoblog), videos (vlog), or audio (podcasting).

Thanks to wonderful Wikipedia for this information